Note: most of this page is now obsolete.
A group of interested individuals are interested in working to secure a State and possible federal designation of Pownal Centre's main street as an historic district. Please think about how you might join us as more information becomes available.
Here is Ken Held's report to the Pownal Historical Society on the progress of the application to create an historic district, with answers to questions people may have:
Designating Pownal Center an Historic District.pdf.
If you have any suggestions on ways we can celebrate our 250th anniversary in 2010, please let us know. You can post your ideas to this page below by clicking on the "edit page" button above and writing your message. Be sure to SAVE your entry before you exit this page.
What can we do to preserve the Mooar-Wright-DeVoet House, perhaps the oldest house in Vermont? Or the "Bartels Property" in Pownal Center? Here's an example of an attempt to preserve an historic home in New Jersey,
The Jacobus Vanderveer House in Pluckemin
Historic Pownal Center
The Bartels property, formerly the Mountain View Inn:
Note: The Select Board is pondering how to proceed with a new town office building, historic Pownal Center, and the future of the "Bartels Property." It has hired a consultant to draft a plan.
Pownal hires firm to plan for town hall.docx
Volunteer patches up historic lodge.docx
Board to act on Bartels property.doc
Hold that bulldozer, Bennington Banner editorial
village has other options.doc
Village museum would lack walls.doc
Village oks Bartels study.doc
Bartels Lodge history study sought.doc
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