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on May 12, 2020 at 7:47:44 am







   photos of Pownal<-- click here




Welcome to the Pownal Wiki


     A source of information since 2007, this site is available for anyone to contribute to it.  For more information contact:  raymond_rodrigues@msn.com






ATV Proposal




Election Results March 3, 2020





Recreation Task Force:  We're looking for new members who'd like to work on new recreation projects for Pownal and plan for the future:  "2020 Vision."  If you'd like to join us, please contact:  raymond_rodrigues@msn.com     









The town of Pownal, VT Town Clerk : town.clerk@townofpownal.org



The Latest News about Pownal--and a bunch of old news going back to 2007  <--Click here. 




Pownal Town Website




Recreation in Pownal


Hours, addresses for town clerk’s office


The office hours and mailing addresses for the Pownal town clerk have changed.

The office will be open on Monday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., Tuesday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., Wednesday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., and Thursday and Friday from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.

The new mailing address is Pownal Town Clerk, 467 Center St., Pownal, VT 05261, and the new email address is town.clerk@townofpownal.org


For more information, call Town Clerk Julie M. Weber at 802-823-7757.



Data about Pownal--population, income, real estate, government, education, etc.


Vermont Population Decline


Town offices <--Click here


Pownal Select Board meetings from CATV 


Pownal Elementary School data:  test scores, retention, teacher salaries, etc.

                                 Enrollment 2019:    279           Enrollment, 1975-76:  473               Enrollment, 2017:  271



     Realty Trac Data on Pownal Elementary School


     School Digger Data on Pownal Elementary School 


1. Vermont

  • Net Migration (2017): -300
  • Population: 623,700
  • Median Household Income: $58,562
  • Job Growth (2018): 0%

At $34 billion, Vermont has the smallest economy in the U.S. Its five-year average unemployment rate of 3.6% was the fifth lowest among states, but Vermont suffers from business costs that are 12% above the national average. The state’s economic outlook is also weak with job and income growth expected to badly lag the rest of the country over the next five years. Vermont is the leading producer of maple syrup in the country.



Scroll down and click on the link for news and other features


  1. Events:
      1. ATV Proposal
    1. Election Results March 3, 2020
    2. Recreation Task Force:  We're looking for new members who'd like to work on new recreation projects for Pownal and plan for the future:  "2020 Vision."  If you'd like to join us, please contact:  raymond_rodrigues@msn.com     
    3. =================
    5. The town of Pownal, VT Town Clerk : town.clerk@townofpownal.org. 
      1. The Latest News about Pownal--and a bunch of old news going back to 2007  <--Click here. 
    1. Hours, addresses for town clerk’s office
  2. Announcements   
      1. Lost and Found Dogs:  Pownal ACO Steve Zelman: for lost or found dogs, please call (802)823-5606 with any information.
      2. Ride Sharing in Pownal:  Two new Facebook pages:
      3. The Pownal Food Pantry Is Open for Donations:
      4.  Harwood Homestead
      5. Reasonable Computer Repair Available
      6. Joe Parks' book, Pownal--A Vermont Town's 200 Years and More, is available from the Northshire Bookstore.
      7. Pownal  -- A book of old historic photos of Pownal and its people is for sale.  Published by Arcadia.
      8. Memoir of a Green Mountain Boy 
      9. Looking for Volunteers for Pownal's Library
      10. Free Radon Test Kits - Test, Fix & Breathe Easy!
      11. How to Get Rid of Stuff
      12. Transfer Station Accepting Batteries
      13. Pownal House Tour Video on-line
      14. Paintings by Tony Conner and Ann Green
      15. Joe Durwin's talk on the Bennington Triangle at the Solomon Wright Public Library
      16. Help Save Bats
      17. Youth group at North Pownal Congregational Church every other Friday night from 7-8:30pm
      19. Free items:  FreeCycleBenningtonCounty-subscribe@yahoogroups.com
      20. Remembering Andy Dequaisie:  A writer's blog by a Pownal writer:

        Please tell all your friends and neighbors about this site.  The Pownal Wiki has been designed to provide a quick way for the folks in Pownal to contribute information to our community and to learn what is going on. 


      If you have suggestions on how to improve this wiki, let us know. You can contribute announcements, photos, and news to the wiki yourself.  Please share it with friends.  For the password or instructions on how to add items to the wiki,  e-mail: raymond_rodrigues@msn.com




      Cemeteries in Pownal.doc      Cemeteries in Pownal.pdf


      Pownal Photos 







      Morning Light on Carpenter Hill Road




      Lost and Found Dogs:  Pownal ACO Steve Zelman: for lost or found dogs, please call (802)823-5606 with any information.

      Photos posted on Facebook ACO page - lost & found dogs of pownal vt.



      Ride Sharing in Pownal:  Two new Facebook pages:


      https://www.facebook.com/groups/1160061490764836/ for Pownal residents who need or would like to share rides.



      This “bulletin board” is for businesses or workers in Pownal to advertise. The people can comment how great they are etc. I will eventually pull them all into a more cohesive website that is broken up by category and will somehow allow for reviews. 


      The Pownal Food Pantry Is Open for Donations:


      Location:  Methodist Church, Church Street, in village of Pownal. Back entrance.

      Times:  Second and forth Saturday of the month...11am-12noon

      Co-chair persons:

      Barb Schlesinger

      Dale Maturski


      Again, many thanks for your support of the Pownal Food Pantry.  Phone 823-5337



       Harwood Homestead


      Reasonable Computer Repair Available


      Computer running slow, adware and malware jumping up? I have over 20 years experience working on PC. My prices are reasonable. Give me a call. I love older computers.

      D&R Computer Repairs 
      Douglas Robertson Hardware Computer Engineer 
      (802) 823-5290   DJROBERTSON884@COMCAST.NET


      Joe Parks' book, Pownal--A Vermont Town's 200 Years and Moreis available from the Northshire Bookstore.


      Pownal--A Vermont Town's 200 Years and More may be purchased by going to the bookstore's website:  https://www.northshire.com/search/site/joseph%20parks  The price is $15.00.



      Pownal  -- A book of old historic photos of Pownal and its people is for sale.  Published by Arcadia.


             This book was reissued as part of the 250th anniversary celebration of Pownal and is available for purchase from Northshire Bookstore.


      Memoir of a Green Mountain Boy 


      A novel about a young man from Pownal who joins Ethan Allen for the attack on Fort Ticonderoga, but who goes on for more adventures.  Told through the eyes of this young man, the novel takes the reader through humorous encounters, hair-breadth escapes, and meetings with such famous people as Betsy Ross, Benedict Arnold, Patrick Henry and Seth Warner. 



      Looking for Volunteers for Pownal's Library

      Linda Hall, pownal_pub@vals.state.vt.us, Director, Solomon Wright Public Library, Pownal


      The Solomon Wright Public Library has openings for volunteers.  Choose your shift(s), meet new people, easy access to library collection, easy checkout/in procedures, training provided, day or early evening shifts available, and you can volunteer once a month or twice, 2 hours or 4 hours...Questions? Contact the library and we will get back to you. pownal_pub@vals.state.vt.us, or 823-5400.

      We have openings on Monday, Tuesdays Wed, Friday and/or Saturdays.  




      Free Radon Test Kits - Test, Fix & Breathe Easy!



      January is National Radon Action Month, and the Vermont Department of Health is giving away FREE radon test kits! To get your free kit, send an email with your name, mailing address, physical address and phone number to radon@vermont.gov or call 1-800-439-8550.

      One out of every eight homes in Vermont has elevated levels of radon, a naturally occurring radioactive gas that seeps into homes from soil and bedrock. Over a lifetime, breathing in air with elevated radon levels can cause lung cancer. About 50 Vermonters die every year due to radon exposure. Homes of any age and in any location can have elevated radon levels.

      Because radon levels can change daily, weekly and seasonally, a long-term test of 3 to 12 months is the best way to accurately test for the gas. Open the kit immediately and leave it in place throughout a heating season, and then mail it back to the Health Department to get your results.

      Test, fix, and breathe easy.

      For more information about radon, radon testing and mitigation, visit the Health Department website at http://healthvermont.gov/radon

      Thank you!  
      The Vermont Department of Health



      How to Get Rid of Stuff



      The Bennington County Solid Waste Alliance (BCSWA) provides outreach and education on managing materials such as leaf and yard waste, paint, E-waste, household hazardous waste and other stuff we all need to get rid of properly and safely. Visit our website at www.bcswavt.org for ideas and information under the Programs and Projects tab. You can also sign up for our newsletter. Visit our Facebook page for postings on what to do with leaf and yard waste, food scraps and other stuff. We plan to update that regularly, especially during the holidays, when we all accumulate so much stuff. Call Michael S. Batcher at 802-442-0713 x2 or email mbatcher@bcrcvt.org with questions.




      Transfer Station Accepting Batteries


      The Pownal Transfer Station is accepting all batteries for recycling. Please bring any household standard or re-chargable batteries to the Transfer Station Office during normal operating hours (8AM-4PM) Wed.,Fri.or Sat. The national and state web sites have our collection point wrong:  it is not the Town Office yet.     Please do not take your batteries to the Town Office.

      Please do not bring any Household Hazardous Waste to the Transfer Station. We have recently had someone place gardening supplies in the Swap Shop, We can't store these items properly.

      Thank you 
      Tom Shuey 
      Pownal Transfer Station Supervisor



      Pownal House Tour Video on-line


      Though this video was made several years ago, Carl Villanueva posted this video of Pownal Valley House Tours (historical and unusual homes) by Pauline Guntlow to Youtube for folks to enjoy.

      Here is link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iVWo1VoznRE



      Paintings by Tony Conner and Ann Green


      See, for example, View over Apple Orchards from Carpenter Hill Road

      Logging Site on West Carpenter Hill Road:  http://www.pinterest.com/pin/168462842281316241/

      See also this painting on Cedar Hill Road:  http://tonyconner.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/1_26_13_MorningTreesOnCedarHillRoad_PownalVT.jpg

      And this on Mt. Anthony Road:  http://tonyconner.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/1_29_13_WinterAfternoonOnMtAnthonyRoad_PownalVT.jpg

      And this of Mighty Food Farm:  http://tonyconner.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/11/112212_MightyFoodFarmOnThanksgivingMorning.jpg

      And this of the Pownal Valley:  http://tonyconner.com/2014/03/21/changing-sky-pownal-valley/

      And, Farm on Middle Pownal Road:  http://www.pinterest.com/pin/168462842281312019/   paintings by Ann Green

      And, Pownal Farm:  http://www.pinterest.com/pin/168462842281307097/

      And, Winter Farm Scene:  http://www.pinterest.com/pin/168462842281305600/

      And, West from West Carpenter Hill Road:  http://www.pinterest.com/pin/168462842281166111/

      And, Farm on Burrington Road:  http://www.pinterest.com/pin/155514993354769022/



      Joe Durwin's talk on the Bennington Triangle at the Solomon Wright Public Library

            Click here:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fbEoMqN2OqY


           Bennington Triangle



      Help Save Bats


      Since 2006 a deadly fungal disease called white-nose syndrome has killed nearly 7 million North American bats, pushing several species to the brink of extinction and creeping farther across the country every year.

      But at least one of these species may get big help from the feds: The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has proposed to protect northern long-eared bats under the Endangered Species Act.

      These bats have declined by 98 percent over a large portion of their range, and have been waiting a painfully long time for an emergency rescue. But -- just as life-saving protections are in sight -- the Service's proposal to protect the creatures could be derailed by greedy energy companies, who are lining up to limit the bat's protection.

      Please take action now to tell the Fish and Wildlife Service to protect northern long-eared bats without delay. If we wait any longer, it may well be too late.

      Click here to take action and get more information.



      Youth group at North Pownal Congregational Church every other Friday night from 7-8:30pm

      for grades 6th-12th - Free food and fun!





      Free Clothes... At Green Mt. Christian Center 440 Main St. Benn. 447-7224 Clothes Every Thursday 4:30 PM -- 6:30 PM and The 4TH Saturday of the month. In addition, they have a food shelf 3:30 PM -- 6:30 PM Every Thursday For more information, contact: dpmj@comcast.net


      Free items:  FreeCycleBenningtonCounty-subscribe@yahoogroups.com


      This group is made of members located in & near Bennington County Vermont. FreeCycle is a grassroots movement of people who are giving & getting stuff FOR FREE locally. The purpose is to keep stuff out of our landfills & to recycle your unwanted items to someone who needs it! Help keep the "GREEN" in 'The Green Mountain State' !!! 

       Subscribe:  FreeCycleBenningtonCounty-subscribe@yahoogroups.com



      Thanks, Pownal!.doc  


      2010 Year's Events in Pownal by Keith Whitcomb.doc



      The 250th Anniversary Quilt is on display at the Library.





      Remembering Andy Dequaisie:  A writer's blog by a Pownal writer:


           Fun reading:  http://dequasiebooks.wordpress.com/



      The Tubs in Pownal, Vermont



      Saturday Evening Post painting of Pownal, though a little fanciful.



      Old photo of Main Street, Pownal Center, Vermont



      Waste Water Treatment Plant, North Pownal, Vermont. 10/4/17. Drone photo by Carl Villanueva



      New solar array on Northwest Hill Road in Pownal, Vt. 1/16/17.  Drone photo by Carl Villanueva



      Snow barn.  Photo by Ray Rodrigues



      Welcome To Pownal...Rt7 at Mass/Vt border.
















       Dark Woods Road, photo by Carl Villanueva



      Tony Conner's paintings capture the Pownal we all love.

      "Morning Light From Carpenter Hill Road"
      June 21, 2015



      Tony Conner's paintings capture the Pownal we all love.

      Stand of Trees on Carpenter Hill Road, by Tony Conner. http://tonyconner.com/



      View from Peckham's Farm, North Pownal Road, Pownal, Vt. ...Photo by Carl Villanueva (3 photos stitched)



      View from Rt346 in Pownal, Vermont looking south toward Mt. Greylock in Massachusetts.

      The purple plants are Lythrum salicaria (purple loosestrife), an invasive species. 08/11/16

      Drone photo by carl Villanueva



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