
250th Anniversary

Page history last edited by Ray Rodrigues 14 years, 6 months ago

Pownal -- the new book with historic photos of Pownal never before published!

The newest publication from Arcadia Publishers,

Pownal, a collection of 217 old photos of Pownal that many have contributed to, spanning our history from the 1840s until 1991, was unveiled on May 1st at the Methodist Church in Pownal.  To buy your copy of what will be something to pass down through your family, write:  charcomar@comcast.net    

Anniversary Banner:  Any organization in town may display this banner at any of their events.  To reserve the banner, contact Wendy Hopkins:  whopkins1@gmail.com



On May 15th, The Vermont Master Gardners will sponsor a wildflower walk.  Joni Wuensch is organizing this.

On May 16th, writers who wrote poetry about Pownal will read their poems at the American Legion.

CANCELLED:  On May 22nd, the Pownal Rescue Squad will celebrate its 50th anniversary.

The June 5th and 6th quilt show has been cancelled.  On a date to be determined, Pownal Center's Historic Center designation by the State will be celebrated.  Wendy Hopkins is the contact person for this event.

On June 17th, the Methodist Church will host their Strawberry Shortcake Supper.

On June 26th, the Affordable Housing Committee will host a home tour featuring a modern “green” house and the energy-saving approaches of four other houses, including the Mooar/Wright/DeVoet house.

On July 10th, the Recreation Committee will sponsor a hike to celebrate the opening of a new trail to the Taconic crest.


On July 24th, the annual Moonlight in Vermont Midnight Road Race will be held.  This is a Pownal Valley Fire Department fundraiser. This year, in honor of Pownal's 250th, there will also be a midnight walk/ramble.

On July 31st, the annual Pownal Valley Fair will be held.


On August 8th: A Celebration of Pownal's Religious Heritage will be held at the Pownal Community Church.  In addition, each local church will have an historic display set up within the church, and the churches will welcome anyone to come and view them.  Gary Dickson is organizing this.


On August 19th, the Methodist Church will hold its Peach Shortcake Supper.

On August 29th, the Community Picnic will again celebrate Pownal and its people in Pownal Center.

On September 26th, the annual Pownal hayride will occur, organized by Sonny Pratt.


On October 10th, the annual Taste of Pownal will take place at the Elementary School.  As always, Peter Hopkins is organizing this. 

Logo contest:  Elaine Clark has directed a contest to find a logo for the year and has done so with Town staff serving as judges.  The logo will be used on publications and cups for the year and on a banner that we unveiled at the January 8th celebration.  The Select Board will hang the banner behind them during the year when Board meetings are televised, when the Banner is not on display elsewhere.

Historic District:  Still in the early planning stage is an event to celebrate the Center Street area in Pownal Center being designated a State Historic District, tentatively set for June 6th.

Oak Hill Photo Project:  Oak Hill School is planning to have their students take and display photos from around Pownal.

Other suggestions needing someone to sponsor and run one of them:

Pumpkin growing contest

Beard contest

END OF THE YEAR:  We are looking for ideas for a way to officially end the anniversary year. We may have a town-wide Anniversary Ball at the American Legion.  The contact person for this is Jimmie Winchester.


On January 8th the opening event for the year was held.  View pictures of the event:


From now and continuing throughout the year,

The Solomon Wright Public Library hosts a community project, Where Are You From? as part of Pownal’s 250th anniversary year. Everyone is invited to participate by coming in to the library and indicating on one of the displayed maps where they are from.  The project is in the library’s community room and is open during regular library hours and during most special events at the library. It will be up all year. Call 823-5400 for hours or additional information.

The Anniversary Quilt is on view at the Library.  Come see it and take part in the "Where are you from?" project. 




Our anniversary calendar is for sale, developed under the leadership of Sue Sweeney, with several volunteers and a number of different Pownal photographers contributing toward it.  This calendar will be our major fund-raising effort to enable us to support other events throughout the year, and we want to encourage you to buy calendars for your family and friends, as well as let others know of its availability.  We are grateful to the Friends of Pownal fund for contributing to and bankrolling its production.

To Order Your Calendar:

You can send a check made out to "Friends of Pownal" (The calendar's price has been discounted since we are now in 2010.) to:Sue Sweeney1127 Cedar Hill RdPownal, VT 05261Please call Sue at 802.338.6813 if you have any questions or e-mail her atsuesweeney1@gmail.com


Special Anniversary Postal Cover:

On January 28th to commemorate the Recording of the Charter on that date in 1760, the Pownal Historical Society and Pownal Post office offered a commemorative Postal Cover and a special 250th Anniversary Pictorial Postmark.  You may obtain this collector's piece by contacting Fran Lampman at 802-823-7344.  The canceled cover will be $4 while supplies last.



If you have questions or ideas or want to be part of an event, E-mail charcomar@comcast.net, whopkins1@gmail.com, or raymond_rodrigues@msn.com


Note:  Anyone can add anniversary events to the calendar below: 


Click here to view your 30 Boxes calendar




As events are scheduled, they will be added to this calendar.   Please check to make sure your event is not conflicting with another event at the same time and day.  If you need instructions on how to add things to this Pownal wiki, e-mail:  raymond_rodrigues@msn.com 


  Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Steve 9a-6p 9a-6p 9a-6p 9a-6p 9a-6p    
Casey 9:30a-1:30p 9:30a-12:30p 9:30a-1:30p 9:30a-1:30p 9:30a-1:30p    
Rachel  5:30a-8:30a 5:30a-8:30a  6:30a-2:30p 4p-6p 4p-6p    12p-2p




Historic DeVoet/Mooar/Wright House to be Renovated.pdf


Pownal plans 250th anniversary.pdf 


Newspaper Report on our 200th anniversary celebration (courtesy of Charlotte Comar):


1976 celebration.doc


Right now, our intent is to welcome each and every individual and organization in Pownal to help us plan a full year of events celebrating Pownal.  The events do not have to be historical in nature, since the Historical Society will be planning historical events, but they may.  Barbecues, dances, the Pownal Fair, discussions on various topics . . . . all types of events are welcome.


If you have an idea for an event, especially if you or your organization would like to be included in the year's calendar of events, please get in touch with:  Ray Rodrigues raymond_rodrigues@msn.com or Wendy Hopkins whopkins1@gmail.com


We look forward to hearing from you.


Calendar for 2010

Click here to view your 30 Boxes calendar


In order to make your schedule consistent, please list all times in the same time zone.


  Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Steve 9a-6p 9a-6p 9a-6p 9a-6p 9a-6p    
Casey 9:30a-1:30p 9:30a-12:30p 9:30a-1:30p 9:30a-1:30p 9:30a-1:30p    
Rachel  5:30a-8:30a 5:30a-8:30a  6:30a-2:30p 4p-6p 4p-6p    12p-2p


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