









Board Members Present:  Acting Chair, Don Prouty; Steve Kauppi; Ron Bisson;   Frank Saunders

Also Present:  CAT-TV, Banner,  Ray Shields, Kimberly Gile, FA&A:  John Forcier, Jason Booth and Robert Garofano


 Acting Chairman, Don Prouty opened the Regular Meeting at 7:30 p.m.


1.      Agenda Approval


Mr. Kauppi moved and Mr. Saunders seconded to approve the agenda as amended.  The motion carried.


2.      Approval of Minutes 10/12/06  Regular Meeting



Mr. Saunders moved and Mr. Kauppi seconded to approve the Meeting Minutes of October 12, 2006.  The motion carried.


3.  Warrants:


Mr. Kauppi moved and Mr. Bisson seconded to approve the Payroll Check Warrant for Pay Period Ending 10/15/06 in the amount of $ 3,511.49.  The motion carried.


Mr. Saunders moved and Mr. Kauppi seconded to approve the Accounts Payable Check Warrant #16 dated 10/20/06 in the amount of 49,104.15.  The motion carried.


Wastewater Project


Mr. Saunders and Mr. Kauppi seconded to approve the Wastewater Project Accounts Payable Check Warrant Replumb #R-07 dated 10/20/06 in the amount of $ 7,472.17.  The motion carried.


4.  Mail:


  1. WWTF Chief Operator’s Weekly Operations Report
  2. Secretary of State Opinion



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      3.  Pownal Historical Society upcoming meetings






a.      FA&A  RE:  Sewer Odor and Update on the Work Completed This Week


John Forcier, FA&A

Jason Booth, FA&A

Rob Garofano, FA&A


Jason Booth reported that the major step taken to reduce the odor was addition of an organic chemical called bioxide.  This odor reducing chemical was pumped into the wet well at PC-2.  It was determined that it takes three days for sewer to travel to the vault at Harold Marshall’s house in North Pownal.  The Fire Department pumped water into the force main to dilute and flush the sewage that was sitting in it.  This flushing helped to push the sewage along to North Pownal.  Adjustments were made to the pump controls at the facility to make the pump run more frequently.  Since Monday, they haven’t had any odor complaints.  FA&A visited Harold Marshall at the vault and he told them that he had not detected any odors in the past 3 days.  FA&A will continue to monitor the situation.


F&A will continue to work with the Chief Operator to monitor bioxide and pump runs until we are up to full flow.  Each pump station should be checked daily.


There was discussion about back pressure and it was noted that it is unique to have main lines run up hill and then down hill.  It is a long distance to the treatment facility.


Mr. Forcier explained how the plant actually works.  He explained the sequential batch reactors and aeration process.


FA&A addressed several questions raised by resident Ray Shields.  Overall the plant is working very well.


Rob Garofano discussed the work completed last week.  FA&A’s report is attached and made a part of these minutes.  Pownal School and the Day Care Center are to be hooked up next week.  Scott Lampman has begun his connections at his mobile home park.  He has 100 days to complete the connections (January 17, 2007).





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    1. Zoning Bylaws: Public Hearing  Section 3.4.1 Contiguous Lots


Mr. Saunders moved and Mr. Kauppi seconded to warn the public hearing.  The motion carried.




Pursuant to T. 24 V.S.A. Chapter 117 § 4415, Interim Zoning, the Pownal Board of Selectmen will hold a public hearing on Wednesday, November 8, 2006 at 6:00 P.M. in the Pownal Town Office to consider deletion and re-evaluation of a zoning amendment section 3.4.1, Contiguous Lots.  While this provision was recently approved by the Board of Selectmen it has not yet taken effect under the statute.  This interim zoning procedure will enable the town to put a hold on this provision while providing additional time for the Planning Commission and Selectboard to research this section to assure the language achieves its intended purpose and is consistent with the state statute T. 24 V.S.A., Chapter 117 and the existing zoning bylaw.  The text of section 3.4.1, Contiguous Lots reads as follows:  All lots in individual ownership that are contiguous to one another shall be treated as one as shown on the tax map as a solid line.









Mr. Saunders wished to recognize Mike Darling for his generosity.   Mike donated 250 pumpkins to Pownal School for carving and participation in the Bennington Pumpkin Challenge.







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Mr. Kauppi moved and Mr. Bisson seconded to adjourn the meeting at 8:25 p.m.  The motion carried.


Respectfully submitted,

Linda Sciarappa, Administrative Assistant





Don Prouty, Acting Chairman



Steve Kauppi



Ron Bisson



Frank Saunders


Approved: _____________________________